Ways To Eat Vegan While Traveling

Summer travel can really be a challenging time, especially if you are still learning about vegan or traveling with others and have a chaotic schedule.

It’s hard to feel like you have control over your diet choices when you are out of your normal routine.

But it doesn’t have to be difficult.

In fact, it can be fun and full of endless possibilities!

Keeping up with vegan while traveling doesn’t need to cramp your style.

In the spirit of summer adventures, today you will find 9 tips to keep you confident and prepared, no matter where in the world you find yourself.

Summertime adventures are the best. I have so many awesome memories from summer’s in Seattle.

As soon as I had my driver’s license, I’d be packing up the car to just leave.

In 2 hours, I could be far away in a town I’d never heard of before. There were so many places to explore.

Of course, back then I wasn’t vegan so I didn’t think much about planning for food.

But as a grown up vegan these days, I’ve still managed to have my fair share of vegan travels.

I’ve lived in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Delaware, Pennsylvania, England and Florida since then with countless road trips, impromptu adventures and mini vacations.

I didn’t go to bed hungry. Not once.

I’ve never really found the thought of being vegan in an unfamiliar place to be daunting, but I can certainly understand how it might be, especially if you are still getting your vegan feet under you.

But fear not! Being vegan is so much fun these days, and incredibly easy, if you know how to approach it.

It doesn’t matter where you are going.

Vegan is everywhere.

There are now vegan cruises, tours and even cruises!

How cool is that?

I think it would be way fun to sign up for one of those! But let’s get into it, shall we?

9 Ways To Eat Vegan While Traveling :

1-Change your mindset.

Don’t think of eating vegan as deprivation.

Setting out with this negative mindset will be the ultimate downer.

Vegan is the ultimate freedom! Whatever your reason for going vegan is, remember this.

For me, vegan is the freedom knowing that I am not contributing to animal suffering.

It is truly liberating. Think of all the tasty things you now have room to fill up on now.

2-Think about all the endless possibilities.

You are away from home, in a strange town.

What do you know about where you are?

Maybe there is an epic vegan restaurant that you’ve never even heard of.

Maybe there is an organic farmer’s market on the morning you arrive.

MAYBE there is a totally vegan store downtown. You just never know.

READ : Top Tips for A Vegan in Thailand

3-Make it a fun challenge.

This is my favorite.

I make it fun by scoping out the local veg-friendly places and trying something I’d not normally try.

A quick Google search for “Vegan + Location” will get you headed in the right direction!

Research where you are headed and find out where do the locals go.

Get off the beaten tourist track.

That is where the gems are.

And be sure to ask the right questions at restaurants, especially if there is a language barrier and you aren’t sure if something is vegan or not.

It’s also helpful to break down “vegan” as some cultures may not understand it the way you do.

4-Go back to the grocery store.

Worse case scenario, go back to basics and just creep the local grocery store.

They will always have fruits and veggies, or something to-go in the deli if you don’t have access to a kitchen.

5-Plan to fail

Yes, you read that right.

Anticipate temptations and plan a way to handle it accordingly.

Anticipate set backs and plan your revival without letting it throw you off track for the rest of your travels.

Don’t let failure mess with your head.

Besides, you can’t “fail” at vegan anyways. That’s just nonsense.

6-Pack it!

Pack snacks for situations beyond your control, such as trail mix, protein bars and dried fruit and keep on you at all times.

Pack perishable food for a picnic, or look for to-go salads, smoothies and juices.

If you don’t plan on eating out at a restaurant, pack a set of reusable utensils, plate, paring knife, cutting board, cup and water bottle.

You can cut a pineapple anywhere if you are prepared. Remember, fruit is fast food.

READ : Best vegan documentaries

7-Try something new.

If you are feeling stuck, or out of meal ideas, and if you are feeling brave, try something out of your normal realm.

Some Indian restaurants are completely vegetarian and most everything can easily be made vegan.

Many Mexican restaurants can easily make bean and rice tacos or burritos.

Thai is also a great option for curries and rice dishes with slight modifications.

Just because it’s not identified as “vegan” on the menu, doesn’t mean it can’t be made vegan.

8-Fast food.

While obviously not ideal, fast food is fairly universal around the world and many have vegan options or easily made options.

No, not McDonalds or Outback.

Think more Subway, Taco Bell and Chipotle.

Happy Cow is a great resource for restaurants that accommodate vegans.

9-Get support.

Tell your travel buddies your intentions before you begin and ask for their support.

As long as you have expressed your intentions, there is no reason they won’t help you out.

You may find them to be just adventurous as you when it comes to food choices.

You can’t fail.

It’s not about perfection, but progress, and taking small steps everyday towards your goal.

As you go about your adventures, remember to focus on abundance.

Be intentional about your goals before your trip and stay patient, learn from your experiences and most importantly enjoy yourself and have fun!

Where are you planning to travel this summer?

Do you plan on sticking with vegan?

READ : How to transition to vegan lifestyle

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