How to Make Guava Pie

A Guava pie is a soft and sweet pie that can be served as an excellent snack for the guests or can be used as a dish variety when party is being host.

Its sweet flavor and visually delighting attribute makes it a favorite dish for the kids.

Guava’s rich nutritious content benefits making it a healthy dish too.

Ingredients (to serve 1 person):

1. A cup of Guava paste

2. Little bit of mace

3. A db of crumb

4. A cup of flour

5. A cup of better

6. ½ cup of non-diary heavy cream

7. 3 eggs

8. 500gms of Cottage Cheese

9. A teaspoon of salt

10. A tablespoon of lemon juice


Preparation time would take about a day or half. It involves baking and cooling.

1- Make the dough:

Dough has to be made initially using flour and butter.

1. Take a bowl and mix the flour and the butter with fingers.

2. Keep mixing the mixture till it becomes one solid ball of clay kind of particle.

3. Adding drops of water and salt mix further for a while until it turns into a soft, thick and elastic ball of dough.

4.Wrap the dough and place it in a refrigerator for about a day or half or at least for half an hour.

2- Making of the guava fillings:

5.Cut the guava paste into smaller pieces.

6.Heat it with the cream at lowest heat levels partially melting it, so that a little amount of paste are left.

7.Beat the eggs to blend and pour it to the mixture.

8.Add the cottage cheese to the mixture.

9.Add some lemon juice and salt to the paste-cream, mixing them well.

3- Baking of the pie:

10. Take crumb crust and fill it with this mixture, topping it with the mace.

11. Bake the content using bake-safe dish.

12. Bake it at a temperature of 350 degrees of Celsius.

13. Leave the oven for about 45 minutes of time.

Guava pie is ready to be served. It tastes better when taken fresh.

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